Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Sorenson’s Ranch School is an RTC, and an Accredited High School located in Central Utah. We serve young people who struggle emotionally, socially, and academically and their families. Sorenson’s Ranch School will soon complete the cycle of Accreditation. This means that later this year we will come to the end of our current Accreditation Certification. This will be renewed for another 6 years. We are proudly Accredited by Cognia Inc. In order to continue our certification for another cycle, we are required to submit an extensive report, detailing the policies and procedures of our school. We must explain how the data and daily operations show that we meet Cognia’s rigorous standards. Cognia has 30 standards of compliance that are presented in four categories. The categories or “Key Characteristics are; 1) Culture of Learning, 2) Leadership for Learning, 3) Engagement of Learning, and 4) Growth in Learning. In order to demonstrate compliance to these standards we have to gather data from our various stakeholders including; Students, Teachers/staff, and Parents/Caregivers. This data must then be analyzed so that necessary changes can be identified and implemented. There is a quote from Cognia that explains how they look at data. “Perception is Reality” This is the reason that we gather data. We want to see the experience of living and going to school at Sorenson’s Ranch School through the eyes of our stakeholders. The data gives us our reality as reported by all those who participate in it. After we gather data, we analyze it in different contexts to see if current procedures are working and acceptable as “Best Practices” or if we need to make changes in policy or procedure to make the experience here more fulfilling and effective for our students. Our goal is to achieve congruence in the elements of the program, which will help our students to make consistent simultaneous progress in Academic, Therapeutic, and other goals which are identified by the treatment team. As a school and as a program, we know that we have much to offer the students that we serve. There are many things that make us unique in this industry. One of the things that allows us to be successful is that we are looking for and willing to make changes when they need to be made. The staff of Sorenson’s Ranch School work hard to fulfill points that are in our Mission and Belief statements. We have been working with students who struggle for many years, and we are good at what we do. Having said that, we are also always looking for ways to create a better experience for our students and their families. The Accreditation process gives us the opportunity to critically look at any gaps between where we are now and where we desire to be as a school and a program. Looking at the data and reviewing our current procedures helps us to move forward with an attitude of continuous improvement.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Importance of Residential Treatment and Trauma-Informed Care for Adolescents

In today's fast-paced and complex world, adolescents face a multitude of challenges that can significantly impact their mental health and well-being. Issues such as grief, PTSD, family conflicts, and depression are increasingly common, yet they are often misunderstood or overlooked. Residential treatment centers (RTCs) that employ trauma-informed care are crucial in addressing these problems and fostering healing and growth in young people. Residential treatment provides a structured, supportive environment where adolescents can receive intensive therapeutic support away from the stressors of daily life. These centers offer a safe space for youth to work through their issues with the guidance of trained professionals. The residential setting is particularly beneficial because it allows for continuous monitoring and support, ensuring that each adolescent receives the care they need around the clock. Trauma-informed care is an approach that recognizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery. It emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for both providers and survivors, and creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment. This approach is essential in residential treatment for several reasons: 1. Recognizing the Impact of Trauma: Trauma-informed care starts with the understanding that trauma affects everyone differently. This understanding shapes every aspect of the care provided, from the initial assessment to the ongoing therapeutic interventions. By recognizing the diverse impacts of trauma, RTCs can tailor their approaches to meet the unique needs of each adolescent. 2. Creating a Safe Environment: Safety is a fundamental aspect of trauma-informed care. RTCs strive to create an environment where adolescents feel physically and emotionally secure. This sense of safety is crucial for young people who have experienced trauma, as it helps them begin to trust again and opens the door to healing. 3. Empowering Adolescents: Empowerment is another key principle of trauma-informed care. Adolescents are encouraged to take an active role in their treatment, making decisions about their care and setting goals for their recovery. This empowerment fosters a sense of agency and helps rebuild self-esteem, which can be severely diminished by traumatic experiences. Residential treatment centers utilize a variety of therapeutic modalities to address specific issues such as grief, PTSD, family conflicts, and depression. Here are some of the most effective approaches: 1. Grief Counseling: Grief can be a profound and isolating experience, particularly for adolescents. Grief counseling provides a space for young people to express their emotions, process their loss, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Through individual and group sessions, adolescents learn to navigate their grief in a supportive environment. 2. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT): TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment specifically designed to help individuals who have experienced trauma. This approach combines cognitive behavioral techniques with trauma-sensitive principles to help adolescents process their traumatic experiences and develop healthy coping strategies. 3. Family Therapy: Family conflicts can exacerbate other mental health issues, making it crucial to address these dynamics in treatment. Family therapy involves working with the entire family unit to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and build healthier relationships. This approach helps create a supportive home environment for the adolescent’s ongoing recovery. 4. Mindfulness and Stress-Reduction Techniques:Techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, and meditation are increasingly incorporated into residential treatment programs. These practices help adolescents manage stress, reduce anxiety, and develop a greater awareness of their thoughts and emotions. 5. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT is particularly effective for adolescents struggling with intense emotions and self-destructive behaviors. This therapy focuses on building skills in four key areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT helps adolescents develop healthier ways to cope with their emotions and interactions. A holistic approach in residential treatment centers integrates various therapeutic modalities to address the multifaceted needs of adolescents. This comprehensive care model ensures that each young person receives individualized support that encompasses their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. By addressing all aspects of their health, RTCs can foster more profound and lasting recovery. Residential treatment centers that employ trauma-informed care play a crucial role in addressing the complex mental health needs of adolescents. By creating a safe, supportive environment and utilizing targeted therapeutic modalities, these centers help young people heal from trauma, manage their emotions, and build healthier relationships. As we continue to understand the profound impact of trauma on mental health, the importance of these treatment approaches becomes increasingly clear. Investing in residential treatment and trauma-informed care is not just about treating symptoms; it's about giving adolescents the tools and support they need to thrive.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Sorenson’s Ranch School

Here at SRS we are here to help students with all sorts of problems. We have experienced and educated therapists. Our therapists have one on one sessions help students with whatever issues are present. Also, students participate in group therapy in which a group of kids with the same problems sit together with the group therapists and have a session about overcoming anger, depression, and adoption issues. Students also learn life skills, along with values and integrity. Our group therapists usually have the students watch a movie about someone who went through similar things they are going through or how they overcame problems. SRS only accepts students between the ages of 12 and 17 years old. There is a boy’s side of the campus and a girl’s side of the campus. When possible, we try to let the boys and girls here interact with one another but only under supervision. We put kids of the same age into the same cabins and also put kids who need staff monitoring into a cabin called MPR. For school we have a 5-day school week all year long. During school we have the boys and girls separated and put into different classes and different lunch times. The boys and girls get to have co-ed breakfast and passing periods to talk for a bit. If a student is really behind in invited school, we can put them on ACP. After applying to go into the ACP program, students are able to work on any class and have extra time. They may go as fast as they want to in those stay afterschool during incomplete time. This allows students to catch up or get ahead. ACP is usually for students who are in 7 to 12 grade who are very behind and need to graduate quickly. There are seven periods at school. Here we have a level system. There are four levels of behavior and each level allows you to do different things and have more pr. 1. Level one is the level for kids who don’t follow guidelines, don’t get along with staff and peers, argue, etc. They work on project that give them the chance to improve their levels and behavior skills. They may do service projects also. Point wise for level ones are below 1000 points or in the negatives. 2. Level 2’s are kids who just got off level one or are new here will be. Being a level 2 means the kids are doing good, trying to do their 2’s will be able to watch documentaries only, ride horses, and won’t have to work all day. Point wise for level 2’s are anything below 4000 points and above 1000 points. 3. Level 3’s are kids who follow rules, do their work, do their program, are respectful to staff, and want to do better. They get to watch movies, go to the pool, go on campouts, workout in the weight room, ride horses, and can make money (5$ an hour). Point wise for level threes are anything above 4000 points or below 9000 points. 4. Level 4’s are kids who follow directions, rules, expectations, get along with others, are respectful to staff, focus on their program, focus on school, and do more than they should when helping out staff when cleaning an activity or whatever activity they are on. They get to watch movies, go on campouts, go to the pool, work out in weight room, ride horses, and can work at the Red Clover CafĂ© (7.25 $ an hour). Point wise for level fours are anything above 9000 points and below 9500 points. Some of the activities are crafts, softball or soccer, water activities, watch movies or documentaries, cook lunch or dinner. We sometimes go to the gym and play basketball or work out in the weight room, ride horses, go on campouts or horse campouts, go to the pool, movies, go off campus and go fishing or just to hangout. Sometimes we have are co-ed activities. On holidays like Christmas, we have co-ed activities and we get the kids some gifts and give them the gifts sent from their parents. On birthdays students get to have their own cake. They get their gifts no matter what level they are. During Halloween students sometimes go trick-or-treating or have a Halloween party. Students can have visits with their family which can be on-campus visits, off-campus visits (in town), and home visits for 1 week or 2 weeks. Students are allowed to order stuff from Amazon if they have earned the money. They can buy: • Legos • Clothing • Shoes